Friday, October 21, 2011

Sarang Semut – Herbal Plant from Papua

Sarang Semut or Myrmecodia sp is one type of epiphytic plants that widely spread in the island of Papua. Recently, the plant became famous because of its usefulness to treat different kinds of diseases such as cancer, improve kidney function, cardiovascular problems and treat diarrhea. Traditionally, sarang semut has long been used by indigenous people of Papua Island to treat gout and rheumatic complaints.

Based on the results of research conducted by researchers from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Sarang semut contain the main substance consisting of polyphenols, tannins and flavonoids. These substances are powerful antioxidant ingredient, several times more potent than the vitamins C and E. Therefore sarang semut is a potential for lowering the risk of cancer and cardiovascular.

Regarding the content and efficacy sarang semut still require in-depth study because there are still substances contained in the sarang semut that have not been revealed. This of course is a challenge for the herbalist and biopharmaceutical experts to dig deeper into the secrets contained and efficacy of sarang semut

Read more article: Colonic Irrigation



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